Joga in Canada

JOGA a movement system made up of the benefits of yoga combined with the biomechanics of sport, created specifically for an athlete’s body, and an athlete’s mindset. It is the only type of “yoga” an athlete should be doing, and a dominating force in the fitness industry.

JOGA enhances athletic performance, improves concentration, decreases recovery time and ultimately, transforms an athlete’s game. JOGA gives athletes an edge over their competition. This edge is earned.

How is JOGA Different

Joga vs. Yoga

Introducing traditional yoga poses designed for a very flexible, “bendy” body does not align what an athlete’s kinetic environment needs to be.

The postures in JOGA involve a combination of dynamic and static stretching as opposed to traditional long holds. The movements within the postures are designed to improve athletic ability and agility as well as coordination with breath pattern. The movements are intended to build muscle memory and balance joint stability/mobility with an increased range of motion, which are indispensable to injury prevention. JOGA is the system that truly benefits an athlete in preparation and recovery for their sport.